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Autor Tema: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants  (Pročitano 8210 puta)

Van mreže Polomac

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1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« poslato: Avgust 10, 2008, 07:37:37 posle podne »
1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants

July 31, 2008

The independent research shows that out of 152 supplements tested, 10.5 per cent contained enough illegal substances to trigger a positive drug test! The findings will be a wake-up call to British athletes who would face a two-year suspension if they tested positive for a banned substance, even if they believed the product was legal. The research will revive memories of the 1990s when numerous British athletes tested positive for nandrolone, including Dougie Walker, Mark Richardson and Linford Christie, who has always blamed the failed test on a contaminated supplement. Under World Anti-Doping Agency rules ignorance is no defence. Liz Yelling, who will compete in the marathon in Beijing, said: “These findings are worrying because athletes have a right to know that any supplements they use are totally clean .”

The study, funded by Lucozade Sport (http://www.lucozade.com/sport/default.aspx), was carried out at the Newmarket laboratory of HFL http://www.hfl.co.uk/HFL/HFL-NewsArchive_view.aspx?nid=29 , a leading drug-screening company. Remember the name HFL because you’ll be seeing a great deal more of them once word catches on about them over here in North America.  They have recently even offered to test any supplement out there for free but with one catch: They get to publish the results of their tests to the public! If you’re a supplement company owner and your products have any banned substances in them, they’ll find it and bust your sorry ass. And as soon as the lab results come out, the Supplement Genius will be posting them faster than an Ethiopeon chasing a doughnut down a hill!

Andy Parkinson, acting director of UK Sport’s anti-doping agency, said: “What this shows is that there are no guarantees when taking supplements and athletes have to be very mindful and cautious and manage all the risks that they can when deciding to use a particular supplement.”

Meanwhile International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge says he expects up to 40 athletes to be caught doping in Beijing, compared to 26 at the 2004 Athens Games. He has based his forecast on the increased number and improved quality of urine analyses.



Van mreže duh

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Odg: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Avgust 10, 2008, 09:23:51 posle podne »
au  to je ozbiljna stvar, dobar tekst poloms.
You will just be more stronger, faster and harder than before.

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Avgust 11, 2008, 09:25:26 pre podne »
meni nikada nece biti jasno...dali stvarno neko moze da poeruje u ovo??>.

izlgeda da moze...

pa jbt...zar niko ne vidi sta je pozadina cele price..cuj..aas nadjeni u suplementima...ufffff

Van mreže duh

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Odg: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Avgust 11, 2008, 12:00:31 posle podne »
meni nikada nece biti jasno...dali stvarno neko moze da poeruje u ovo??>.

izlgeda da moze...

pa jbt...zar niko ne vidi sta je pozadina cele price..cuj..aas nadjeni u suplementima...ufffff

pa zasto pisu onda???
You will just be more stronger, faster and harder than before.

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Avgust 11, 2008, 05:03:07 posle podne »
pa jbg duh..meni je zao sto ti nisi dovljno dugo u sportu da znas o cemu se sve radi iza kulisa pogtovo kada je doping u pitannju...

Andy Parkinson, acting director of UK Sport’s anti-doping agency, said: “What this shows is that there are no guarantees when taking supplements and athletes have to be very mindful and cautious and manage all the risks that they can when deciding to use a particular supplement.”

zao mi je sto ovaj textra..kao i ceo u ostalom tebi je samo..AU..DOBAR....


Van mreže Tanja U.

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Odg: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Avgust 12, 2008, 10:15:13 pre podne »
Na zalost, druze, mnogo je onih koji ce u ovo 'ladno da poveruju
Podjimo od toga da mnogi misle da su svi bilderi maltene narkomani, da se od upotrebe proteina moze ostati sterilan, i da su fat burners zapravo "hemija", onda me vise nista ne moze iznenaditi :(
A o marketinskim trikovima i borbi za trziste, o tome necu ni da pricam...

Van mreže duh

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Odg: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Avgust 12, 2008, 12:15:55 posle podne »
Na zalost, druze, mnogo je onih koji ce u ovo 'ladno da poveruju
Podjimo od toga da mnogi misle da su svi bilderi maltene narkomani, da se od upotrebe proteina moze ostati sterilan, i da su fat burners zapravo "hemija", onda me vise nista ne moze iznenaditi :(
A o marketinskim trikovima i borbi za trziste, o tome necu ni da pricam...

to nisam uopste nigde napisao, i jbg zasto je onda polomac uopste onda stavljao tekst na forum ako je tako, kao i sto je vladar stavljao 2-3 teksta jbt???
You will just be more stronger, faster and harder than before.

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Avgust 12, 2008, 12:24:56 posle podne »
pa zasto se ne bi stavio text??..

cak sto vise.....i treba da se stavlja..

jbt..ajd da mi krenemo ovako..

dali ti u opste razumes o cemu se pise u ovom textu???

aj tako..posto jenemoguce da odgovras na ovaj nacin a da razumes text koji je napisan..

Van mreže H2SO4

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Odg: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Avgust 12, 2008, 02:01:06 posle podne »
to nisam uopste nigde napisao, i jbg zasto je onda polomac uopste onda stavljao tekst na forum ako je tako, kao i sto je vladar stavljao 2-3 teksta jbt???
to je navlakusha samo. oni rade za CIA i uskoro ce i oni napraviti svoj x3m forum.
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže Tanja U.

  • Lepotica
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Odg: 1 in 10 Supplements Contaminated With Steroids Or Stimulants
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Avgust 12, 2008, 03:22:59 posle podne »
Na zalost, druze, mnogo je onih koji ce u ovo 'ladno da poveruju
Podjimo od toga da mnogi misle da su svi bilderi maltene narkomani, da se od upotrebe proteina moze ostati sterilan, i da su fat burners zapravo "hemija", onda me vise nista ne moze iznenaditi :(
A o marketinskim trikovima i borbi za trziste, o tome necu ni da pricam...

to nisam uopste nigde napisao, i jbg zasto je onda polomac uopste onda stavljao tekst na forum ako je tako, kao i sto je vladar stavljao 2-3 teksta jbt???

Ono "druze" bilo je upuceno mom drugu Pedji.
No, cini mi se iz tvog odgovora da nisi shvatio sustinu postavljenog teksta ... ili gresim