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Autor Tema: DAVE PALUMBO  (Pročitano 191262 puta)

Van mreže Polomac

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« poslato: Januar 05, 2008, 09:27:17 posle podne »
Full Name: David Christopher Palumbo
Birthplace: Manhattan, NY
D.O.B: February 17, 1968
Parents: Salvatore and Sheila Palumbo
Astrological Sign: AQUARIUS
Favorite Color: BLUE
Favorite Number: SEVEN
Favorite Movie: ROCKY

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #1 poslato: Januar 05, 2008, 09:41:27 posle podne »
1990 NPC NATURAL New York City (6th place Middleweight.....168lbs)..training only 6 months

1992 NPC NJ SUBURBAN BODYBUILDING CHAMPS (5th place, Light HW.....198lbs)

1992 NATURAL TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS (1st place, Heavyweight........202lbs)

1992 NPC Eastern USA 3rd place HW...212lbs

1992 NPC WESTCHESTER 2nd place HW ...212lbs

1994 NPC NY METROPOLITAN BB CHAMPS 1st HW.......228lbs

1994 NPC SUBURBAN BB CHAMPS 2nd HW........228lbs

1994 NPC Jr USA 3rd place HW...........228lbs

1994 AMATEUR GRAND PRIX 1st place HW and OVERALL CHAMP......235lbs

1995 NPC Jr NATIONALS 1st place HW........258lbs

1995 NPC USA CHAMPS 7th place HW.........256lbs

1996 NPC USA 7th place.........254lbs

1996 NPC NATIONALS 4th place.........268lbs

1997 NPC USA 6th place .....270lbs

1997 NPC NATIONALS.....5th place........272lbs

1998 IFBB NORTH AMERICAN 6th place .......281lbs

1998 NPC NATIONALS 8th place Super HW....... 273lbs

1999 NPC USA ......9th place

2000 NPC NY METROPOLITAN 1st place Super HW and OVERALL.... 275lbs

2000 NPC USA 4th place Super HW.......274lbs

2000 NPC NATIONALS 8th place Super HW......268lbs

2001 NPC USA 7th place .......Super HW....... 265lbs

2001 IFBB NORTH AMERICAN 5th place...... Super HW ...... 271lbs

2002 NPC USA 3rd place Super HW...........260lbs

2002 NPC National's 2nd place Super HW.......260lbs

2003 NPC USAs 2nd place Super HW...........265lbs

2003 NPC NATIONALS 6th place Super HW.......268lbs

2004 NPC USA 6th place Super HW....... 258lbs


To Contact Dave Palumbo: Please e-mail: Huge285@aol.com

Palumbov trening
-jedna partija dnevno[grudi,ledja,ruke,noge,ramena]
-3 vezbe [2serije po vezbi 4-12 pon]za manje misice ,biceps,triceps,grudi
-4vezbe[2serije po vezbi 4-12pon]za vece misice ,ledja,noge,ramena
-2 dana odmora u sedmici
Athletic Background:

Eight years playing soccer from 1976-1984
Five years as a competitive track and cross-country runner from 1985-1990 (averaging 10-12 miles per day)
Current Status (2006):

Present-day body composition: Super Lean 270 pounds
My genetically blessed metabolic rate has eliminated the need for cardiovascular work in my regimen. Recently, I have incorportated some light walking in order to maintain good cardiovascular health.
Attempting to preserve my body weight has become a monumental task because of the enormous caloric intake required to feed my supercharged metabolism

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #2 poslato: Januar 05, 2008, 09:43:58 posle podne »
    :shock: :shock:  :shock:

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #3 poslato: Januar 05, 2008, 09:52:55 posle podne »

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #4 poslato: Januar 05, 2008, 09:56:04 posle podne »

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #5 poslato: Januar 05, 2008, 09:58:21 posle podne »

Van mreže H2SO4

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« Odgovor #6 poslato: Januar 06, 2008, 12:48:47 pre podne »
steta sto se ne takmici.
i da on nema pro card, svasta ...
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #7 poslato: Januar 06, 2008, 01:19:03 pre podne »
steta sto se ne takmici.
i da on nema pro card, svasta ...
Stvarno neverovatno......

Van mreže Gjoroski

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« Odgovor #8 poslato: Januar 06, 2008, 08:53:14 pre podne »
Ocigledno da je covek dobro iskalulirao, pa je oducio da je mnogo lakse zaraditi novac prodajuci pamet, nego probati pobedini na neko pro BB takmicenje, a svestan si da nemas sanse za to.
Pametna odluka.

Van mreže Vladar

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« Odgovor #9 poslato: Januar 06, 2008, 03:04:02 posle podne »
Palumbo je urednik na MD-ovom portalu, takodje saradjuje sa vise americkih PRO i amaterskih bodybuildera koje priprema za natjecanja.

Njegov najpoznatiji klijent je bio Toney "X-MAN" Freeman, koji je prosle godine pobjedio na Sacramento PRO i Ironmanu kao i imao sjajno 3. mjesto na ASC navodno uz veliku pomoc upravo Davea.
Takodje poznato je da su saradnju prekinuli prije priprema za Mr O gdje je Toney, od koga se ocekivao sigurni plasman u TOP 6, bio tek 14.

Poznat je po svojim preporukama o koriscenju masti umjesto UH kao goriva, i po tome da su njegovi builderi uvijek u dobroj formi. Opet sa druge strane, neki tvrde da njegov uspjeh u pripremanju drugih lezi u izuzetno velikim kolicinama dopinga koje pripisuje svojim atletama - da li je to istina ne mogu da znam.

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #10 poslato: Januar 06, 2008, 03:18:43 posle podne »
U svakom slucaju zaista poseban...

Van mreže Shumadinac

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« Odgovor #11 poslato: Januar 06, 2008, 04:12:37 posle podne »
Kada je Vladar vec pomenuo doping u vezi sa Palumbom treba reci da je on zagovornik ciklusa u trajanjima i do skoro pola godina za razliku od npr. Trevor Smith-a koji je zagovarao teoriju o cescim i kracim ciklusima tokom cele godine.
Eleven saintly shrouded men,
Silhouettes stand against the sky,
One in front with a cross held high,
Come to wash my sins away...

Van mreže H2SO4

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« Odgovor #12 poslato: Januar 07, 2008, 05:04:25 pre podne »
odlomak iz poslednje Nasserove opste prozivke:

[ Q ] You just mentioned that Greg Kovacs has the worst genetics in bodybuilding. How did he make it to the pro level then?

Greg Kovacs should never have become a pro. Actually Dave Palumbo should have turned pro before Greg. Let me tell you about Dave. Jumbo Palumbo was the very first person (even before Art Bedway, the judging IFBB alcoholic and racist from Pittsburgh) that strongly claimed I was using synthol in my calves.
Why in Gods sake would I do use synthol in my calves? It is like saying that Yates and Cutler were also using synthol in their calves. And I am quite sure they did not. Palumbo was telling people that he knew my calves were full of oil because they are too round, too big and too perfect. Man - all the people like you, Chihuahua Ray "the lord of illusion", crappy Kovacs, and the other blind talkers have been using almost everything that is possible to inject into themselves. And you guys are pointing fingers at me?

Now I am going around like you guys, but I am speaking the truth and saying that Palumbo is such an on and off drug-head that he was, for years, shooting nubaine approximately every 30 minutes while he was in public. He was either using public restrooms or used the restrooms of restaurants to do so. For years he had injection marks on his inner forearms."
I would make the thesis that Palumbo has taken more drugs (meth, ecstasy, ketamine, nubain, speed, cocaine, amphetamines, steroids and synthol) than the combined 2007 Mr. Olympia top six would use. Yes, I am saying that, and many, many insiders of the sport again can most likely corroborate this.
Palumbo is the best proof that drugs do not create champions although I have to say again that the NPC under Manion screwed him several times. In this sense he is also a bodybuilding victim. And if we take a closer look at Palumbo's body then we can assume that he looks either somehow distorted by nature or he is the unprecedented subject of gigantic GH and insulin abuse over decades and also thus a victim of the sport.
Have you ever seen the "Acromeglion" guest posing anywhere? He bears a strong resemblance to Cro-Magnon man and at best he resembles the former Egyptian Pharaoh, Akhenaten.

If you take a closer look from skull to toes then you can see that Jumbo Palumbo has to be renamed to Acromeglion. Without exaggerating, his feet look like flippers. I would guess he has at least a shoe size of 15 to 16. And his floppy toes, the excessively long pointy elbow "endings" and his now fortunately reduced stomach size (before it looked like he was about to, at any moment, give birth wherever he showed up).
When you see the Acromeglion standing it looks like somebody just had hit him in the hollows of his knees. His big toes are kind of pointing toward each other. And when you watch him walking then you can see that his huge feet almost hit his gigantic butt with each step. Palumbo's butt is even bigger than Flex Wheeler's butt when he was remotely in off season condition and being attacked by "ninjas". And to sum it up, you could indeed position a big glass of beer on top of both of their over-dimensional butts.

Palumbo's features are now worse than before because before he had so much more size. The abnormal growth of his bone endings could be better hidden before under greater size and mass and his feet could often be hidden in sneakers. Now, only his hydrocephalus is still as big as before when decade long "reigns of drugs" penetrated the sponge system of his body.

Again, I do like the Acromeglion, as he is an interesting subject to study. He is definitely one of the all time most intelligent heads within the bodybuilding industry. Also it has to be said that Palumbo's IQ is so much higher than, for example, the DCM - regardless of the fact they were both drug dealers. One of the big differences in the end between them is that Milos got busted like Palumbo but DCM managed to get away in contrast to the multi times arrested Acromeglion with his fictitious ammunition.

Over recent years I have met several people who have been trained or are being trained by Palumbo. The Acromeglion is also "training" people "over the phone" (diet and nutrition advice, drug programs and so on) and he is even advising most people not to do cardio for burning fat calories. He instead recommends using "Clenbuterol" in pill form. In my prime I was taking 10 to 15 pills of 0.02 mcg per day of Clenbuterol while dieting.

Palumbo is known for taking daily (when dieting) 50 to 100 of these Clen pills at the same strength. Additionally he, for example, also recommends taking "Cytomel" in pill form as part of a combo with the clen. He was swallowing approximately 10 to 15 pills of Cytomel per day.

I had two to four of these pills in my diet per day. So his "athletes" or better said, his "clients" skip or avoid cardio but do take enormous amounts of Clen and excessive amounts of thyroid hormones which can result in lifetime dependency to external intake of thyroid pills (cytomel). The Acromeglion has the theory that the more cardio you do the flatter and the less impressive you will appear onstage. Basically Palumbo is replacing cardio with the combination of two drugs!

Again, the Acromeglion likes to take shortcuts by avoiding cardiovascular activity but instead "bumps up the intensity" by using more drugs. By following the Acromeglion's recommendation for too long, his advice on how to use thyroid hormones when dieting, you are receiving a great 100 percent effective recipe on how to develop a lifetime dependency on this hormone. And if you took it as long as the Acromeglion suggested you could become thyroid pill dependant and fat for the rest of your time on this planet.

Exhibit Three: The Acromeglion.

David Palumbo aka Jumbo Palumbo aka the Acromeglion is a brilliant-minded drug expert in regard to all pharmaceuticals currently found on planet earth. But as much mental capacity as he has, he deluded himself into thinking he could beat alien genetics with an over-accumulation and infestation of his body with anabolics and an additional 999 different drugs. All these drugs could not in the end prevent the animalistic appearance of his body, and with progressing time, his transformation into an almost indestructible acromegliac body type.

Palumbo definitely originally amplified the size of his initially "Ethiopian starving look" of the 130 pounds he started out with as a running skeleton, to the Herculean size of a top Acromeglion.

His exodus from the amateur contest stage was barely regretted by anyone. By working primarily now for MD as a Super-Adaptoid his wait and see policy should result in permanent retirement as a former stage performer with a rhinoceros looking rear end, his mega duck-like flippers and his bone ending proliferations.

The times of trying to look like an Adonis with Herculean dimensions are over but the Acromeglion as the avant-garde of a new species embodies true new development in the wrong bodybuilding direction. But at least it must be commended for no longer deceiving itself by remaining a victim of its self-created phantom. The body of the Acromeglion should be stored and used for scientific research purposes at a later date.
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže Gjoroski

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« Odgovor #13 poslato: Januar 07, 2008, 08:59:18 pre podne »
Nezgodan je ovaj Nasser :)))))

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #14 poslato: Januar 07, 2008, 10:37:26 pre podne »
Ko zna zasto su se oni zamerili?Nego,imao sam neke kontakte pre par godina sa Nasserom,i mogu samo reci sve pozitivno...Ali ova prozivka za Milosa,stvarno neznam cemu to,nacuo sam nesto..nije ok...Milos ge je uvek isticao u superlativu,ali etoo....    :shock:    :shock:    :shock:
« Poslednja izmena: Januar 07, 2008, 11:30:58 pre podne Polomac »